City of Vancouver Food Strategy: What Feeds Us

Think I’ll move to Vancouver.

I’ll come back when Melbourne does something like this.

6 Responses to “City of Vancouver Food Strategy: What Feeds Us”

  1. narf77 Says:

    Why would you come back? It’s supposed to be gorgeous in Vancouver. I know if I moved there I would stay! Only thing is that close proximity to all of those yanks 😉


    • foodnstuff Says:

      Good question. There are some good yanks though, it’s just that you need a magnifying glass to find them 😉

      I just realised, looking at the map of the city, that that’s where the University of British Colombia is. I did an on-line genetics course there last year, and the lecturer did a video of a fantastic local food market where she went to look at varieties of the cabbage family (to emphasise the role of genetic variation in food varieties). It looked great. Weather looks not too bad either (14-22 deg C summer; 1-7 deg C winter). I could cope with that.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Chris Says:

    Great to see the bureacratic system prepared to compliment sustainable food systems within the city limits. Did you also see them growing food in those black boxes? Wonder if they were a form of wicking system, or did they have holes on the bottom so it could drain?

    It would be an easier (and cleaner) way to harvest. I wonder if its part of the city legislative requirements to grow them in tubs, if its not growing in a residents backyard? I’d love to know the tricky things they’ve had to put restrictions on – because that’s so often what stops the bureacratic system from accepting such schemes.


    • foodnstuff Says:

      I think this is the way it will be in the future. Food will be grown close to where it’s consumed, in cities and backyards. It’s nice to see some people and places like Vancouver getting ready for the eventual demise of the fossil fuel way of doing things.

      They have a couple of dryish months in summer, but the rest of the year has adequate rainfall (more than Melbourne at any rate), so I doubt if wicking boxes would be necessary.

      AS narf says, ‘why would I come back’. 😉


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