Goodbyes are hard……

…..but this is one I have to make. I’ve decided to cease writing this blog. It’s been going for almost nine years now and I think I’ve said all I want to say and I’m finding it hard to come up with new posts which aren’t just repeats of what I’ve already written. And seriously, I doubt whether it’s doing any good to encourage self-sufficiency amongst people who are aren’t already into it. I’m just preaching to the converted and those who don’t think self-sufficiency is important won’t be reading this stuff anyway.

Thank you all all my readers and those who’ve made regular comments; they’ve all been much appreciated. I will still read all your own self-sufficiency blogs and comment there, so we can keep in touch.

I won’t take the blog down but will leave it here for as long as WordPress allows it to be here. I’ll probably need to refer back to some of the information myself.  🙂

Enjoy your gardens and the healthy food they give you.


25 Responses to “Goodbyes are hard……”

  1. Brenda Marns Says:

    I have followed your blog for a few years now and I would like to thank you for all your information, tales about your chooks, your successes and failures. I have really enjoyed it. You have been an inspiration. Brenda Marns – Perth.


  2. fergie51 Says:

    Oh dear, I have certainly enjoyed and learned from your posts Bev. Sorry to hear, I wish you well. You can always add a little snippet if you get the urge! Maree.


  3. mrswilmott Says:

    Oh no, wish I’d discovered you a few years ago! Great that you’re leaving it up.


    • foodnstuff Says:

      Thanks mrswilmott, I’ll be needing to use the info too. Amazing how much I’ve forgotten about what I wrote over the years!


  4. Frogdancer Says:

    That’s sad. Still, life moves on. Enjoy your garden and your chookies!


  5. Chris Says:

    When I read the title, I thought you were going to say, one of your beloved chickens had passed on, to the big nest in the sky. But I suppose when it’s time to end something else, it’s time.

    I will miss reading about your adventures. But I also know you will continue having them. I’m glad I have your email, so I can shoot you a line occasionally. Enjoy the next growing season. 🙂


    • foodnstuff Says:

      Thanks Chris. Email any time, and I’ll still be reading about your exploits and we can catch up through the comments box.


  6. k8heron Says:

    Thank you so much for your writing. I’ve loved reading it for the couple of years I’ve been following. Always inspirational. Thank you for sharing your lessons. I hope you continue to enjoy your own garden & productivity. Kate – Melbourne


  7. Bek Says:

    Like everyone else commenting, I’m sorry that you won’t be blogging any more. Thanks for all your tips and info, I wouldn’t be doing wicking beds without your inspiration, so thanks again!


  8. narf7 Says:

    I feel a real connection with you Bev and as sad as I am to wave goodbye to your blog, I know exactly what you mean. When blogging has lost it’s allure there isn’t any point carrying on. I only post now when I have something to say but would love to stay in touch as you have seriously been my guru when it comes to all things to do with wicking garden beds. Your pepino lives on in my sad squelchy garden and I will always have fond memories of your chooks, your amazing determination to “do” and everything between. Sorry to see you go but I truly understand.


    • foodnstuff Says:

      Thanks Fran. We can still be in touch through email and I will still keep reading your blog. I want to know how all those fridgey wicking boxes are going!

      Liked by 1 person

      • narf7 Says:

        So do I! We have 4 that we managed to haul (for “haul” read squelch) up to Sanctuary and nothing since. It has been raining so much the soil has reached soil capacity and any additional rain just runs off all over the place. We have a permanent running stream down our driveway. I wish I had a dam at the front of the property, it would be overflowing by now. As soon as the soil stops needing gumboots to walk on we will be out there hauling fridges.


        • foodnstuff Says:

          Would be interested in how much rain you’ve actually had compared with normal rainfall for that area. Do you keep records? In the last 3 months we’ve had double our normal rainfall here.

          Liked by 1 person

          • narf7 Says:

            We have broken records for how wet it is here in the North especially. I don’t keep records but I am sure the BOM does. All I know is that we have to wear our gumboots everywhere (even to walk the dog) as the soil has been at saturation point for a LONG time now and the eucalyptus trees are having trouble hanging onto the soil and it isn’t unusual to see a big one laying on it’s side with its entire root system out of the ground.


  9. Eve Inbetta Says:

    That’s a shame – I like to read the monthly updates!


  10. Jane Says:

    Like everyone else I am sorry you won’t continue your blog. You may be preaching to the converted but just cause we’re converted doesn’t mean we know what to do! I used your idea of the garbage bins, to catch water for my fruit trees which was great as I am not on town water and rely on tanks and dam.There is just so much good information on this blog. Thank you.


    • foodnstuff Says:

      Thanks Jane, glad you got something useful from it. It’s always hard to know if it’s helping people. There are still plenty of good blogs out there, so hope you’ve got them on your reading list.


  11. kayepea Says:

    Sorry this is your final post Foodnstuff, though I think I know you well enough that you’ll pop back with comments and new ideas as they occur! Hope so anyway….and we of course have other ways of keeping in touch, which I certainly will be doing. In the meantime, enjoy the little bit of freedom that not writing the blog will give you, and find another challenge eh? Love ❤


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