Ginger in Melbourne?

I don’t drink coffee at breakfast time and I’ve given up conventional tea at that time in favour of herbal tea, usually using something I have growing in the garden. Anise Hyssop is nice if you like aniseed flavour (which I do) and Lemon Verbena rates highly, but my all-time favourite breakfast drink is a few slices of fresh ginger root and a teaspoon of honey in hot water.

The trouble is, ginger is so expensive and I’d love to grow my own but it’s primarily a plant of tropical climes and good ol’ Melbourne sure ain’t that, so when I learned that Suburban Tomato has managed to grow it here, I was determined to give it a go.

Last week I found some bits of ginger rhizome in the cupboard that had started to sprout tiny growth buds and it seemed silly not to plant them out:

ginger 002

I’ve put them into a polystyrene box in a really composty mix of oak leaves and other rotted stuff and will keep it in the polyhouse where it will be warm and humid:

ginger 003

Here’s hoping there will be a few cups of ginger tea in there.

3 Responses to “Ginger in Melbourne?”

  1. kayepea Says:

    Good luck with this, your ginger project – I too have tried, managed to grow ginger for a little while before it died. If anyone can, you can! Good luck.


  2. rabidlittlehippy Says:

    I’m also giving ginger a go – we’re even colder than you up here but hell, anything is worth a go. 🙂 So far not much is happening but we’re getting there slowly. They’ve been in the grund a few weeks now and the little green nubs have popped out a little more. Keeping my greenhouse warm enough over winter will be a major issue – planning to bring in some water butts for thermal mass and a straw bale to start the compost rot down too. Here’s hoping.


  3. narf77 Says:

    You can’t get much colder than Canada and I recently read a post about someone growing her own ginger in pots so I figure we are miles ahead in that direction…I will be giving it a go. Still waiting to see if my turmeric comes back after it’s winter hibernation in pots but my cardamom is still going great guns. Unlike the others it doesn’t go dormant over winter so I can tell its alive. Keep us informed how its going please Bev, I am a ginger lover. Vegans usually start out in the “Indian” section of the recipe books because they have veganism nailed and that’s where I cultivated my adoration for this magnificent spicy root.


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